Put your students' understanding of sharps and flats to the test with this super cute puppy game that's perfect for Valentine's Day!
- Players race around the board by identifying the note on the card (keeping it simple with just treble clef notes - the main focus is sharps and flats)
- They then refer to the piano grid to see how many paw prints are on the note
(e.g. if the note on the card is a C# they look at the C# piano key and see there's only one paw print on it)
- The number of paw prints tells them how many spaces to move
- Play continunes until one player reaches the End puppy and is therefore the winner!
- Instructions for How To Play 'Puppy Love'
- Colourful board
- 10 question cards
- Piano grid
- 4 playing pieces to print, cut, and fold
Puppy Love | Sharps and Flats Game
Please note: This is a digital download. Upon purchase, you will receive a download link for you to download the resource and print at home (or send the PDF to a printers)
You won't receive a physical copy of the item.