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Don't Pop!

Reinforce your students' understanding of semibreves, dotted minims, minims, and crotchets (whole notes, dotted half notes, half notes, quarter notes) with this fun popcorn themed game!
(Psst, National Popcorn Day is 19th January!) 



Players take it in turns to identify the number of beats on the question card, and add that number of popcorn tokens to their popcorn box. BUT if the last popcorn  token they put down is on a 'POP' space, their box has popped and they have to return all their popcorn tokens to the pile and start again! 
First player to fill their box is the winner!
Alternate rules are also included. 


- Instructions for How To Play 'Don't Pop!' 

- Two colourful popcorn boxes

- 40 popcorn tokens (but as indicated in the rules, you can omit these and use your own counters) 

- Question cards 

Don't Pop!

  • Please note: This is a digital download. Upon purchase, you will receive a download link for you to download the resource and print at home (or send the PDF to a printers)

    You won't receive a physical copy of the item.

🎵 Games

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