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Collect The Crowns | Finger Numbers Game

Do you want to test your beginner students' knowledge of finger numbers? Check out this game, 'Collect The Crowns'! 

You're visiting the Tower of London and you've decided to take a souvenir (or two, or three...). You're sure no one will mind! But watch out - if the guards catch you, they'll take all your crowns and send you back to the start! 

- Instructions for how to play Collect The Crowns 
- Colourful board 
- Crown tokens (but you can use your own counters in place of these) 
- Finger Number question cards 


Collect The Crowns | Finger Numbers Game

  • You are welcome to use this resource with as many students in your studio as you'd like (even if you're a multi-teacher studio)

    You're also welcome to email the PDFs to students for them to use at home.

     If you think this is too generous (and maybe it is!) then show some busylittleturtle love over on social media (Instagram, Pinterest)

    Thank You! 

  • Please note: This is a digital download. Upon purchase, you will receive a download link for you to download the resource and print at home (or send the PDF to a printers)

    You won't receive a physical copy of the item.

🎵 Games

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