Reinforce your students' understanding of sharps and flats with this fun creepy crawly game, "Bug Catcher"!
You can find this game with 19 other Spring-themed games here.
WHAT IS IT?🐛 The first player picks up a question card and identifies the note.
🐛 They then look at their jar to see if they have the matching piano key. If they do, they add a bug token to their jar (covering up the note)
🐛 Play continues with players taking turns to identify notes on question cards and adding bug tokens to their jars
🐛 The first player to add nine bugs to their jar is the winner!
- Instructions for How To Play 'Bug Catcher'
- 2 jars (with piano notes with sharps and flats marked on)
- Bug tokens
- Treble clef note reading cards with sharps and flats
+ Bonus file: Black and white version of the game
Bug Catcher (+ Black & White version)
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